Early Learning Fun Pictures and Music
SEE What Are Kids Coins
More Fun Ways to pass the day!
"I Can Do It" Coins Gold Coins Special Coins
Sit at a table with your children.
Separate Kids Coins into three categories:
"I Can Do It" Coins Gold Coins Special Coins
Encourage children to read the names on the coins.
Present "I Can Do It" Coins one at a time.
Ask children to identify the pictures.
Help them to complete their tasks and activities.
Present Gold Coins.
Ask children to identify the number and color of the stars.
One Star-Two Star-Three Star-Four Star-and Goldie Five Star.
Direct children to count their Gold Coins
as tasks and activities are completed,
letting them know they have earned them.
Trade Coins in for a special reward.
Present Special Coins.
Ask children to identify the color and meaning of each coin:
Try Harder, Time Out, Helper, Winner and Good Fruits.
Ask children questions:
How can you Try harder? How do you feel about Time Out?
What can you do to be a Good Helper?
Do you like to be a Winner? What is a Good Fruit?
"I'm Feeling" Coins
Act out the faces on the coins
Look in the mirror and copy the faces
Sing the "Kids Coins Happy Song".
Present the "I'm Feeling" Coins one at a time.
Ask children to choose the faces on the Coins
that identify with the way they feel.
Encourage children to talk about the way they feel.
Help children to understand what the faces represent.
"I'm Playing" Coins
Have Fun Playing What You Want To Be!
Sing, Play, Dance, Draw, Make Up Stories,
Be an Actor or an Actress!
Play charades by acting out the characters on the coins!
Sing the "Kids Coins Show Me" Song
and "The Kitty Cat Song"!
Present "I'm Playing" Coins one at a time.
Ask children to identify the characters
and what they would like to be
Ask children to identify people who are like the characters
QUICK and EASY ways to use Kids Coins:
• Make your child a "special helper" with the Helper Coin
Choose a special task or activity using "I Can Do It" Coins
Reward your child by giving them Goldie Five Star.
• Use Goldie and reward children by helping them choose
the "I'm Feeling" Coin that best describes how they feel.
• Help children choose an "I'm Playing" and "I'm Feeling" Coin.
Ask them to decide how they feel while they are playing a role. Reward them using Gold Coins.
• When children have been engaged in successful play,
reward them with a Gold Coin.
Have fun finding your own easy ways to use Kids Coins
More Ways to use Kids Coins
The Kids Coins Song Collection CDreinforces Kids Coins.
Kids enjoy learning and singing the fun motivational songs.
"I Can Do It" Coins show children
their daily tasks and activities
"Gold Coins" earn rewards
"Special Coins" encourage positive behavior
"I'm Feeling" Coins help children to express their feelings
"I'm Playing" Coins direct children into role playing
As children complete tasks and activities,
choose feelings and creative play, they earn Gold Coins.
Kids Coins bring everything together, adding structure as children learn good behavior. |
"I Can Do It" Coins and Gold Coins
Present "I Can Do It" Coins
Choose the task(s) you want your child to complete,
and the things you want them to do to earn Gold Coins.
Sing "I Can Do It" and "A Time For Everything"!
Direct children to look at the Coins
and choose their daily tasks and activities.
In the morning bring out WASH TIME, DRESS TIME, TEETH TIME, and HAIR TIME.
Direct children to wash their face, get dressed,
brush their teeth and comb their hair.
At noontime, bring out MEAL TIME, CLEAN UP TIME,
Direct children to eat their lunch, help clean up,
play the Kids Coins CD, and learn their ABC's
In the afternoon, bring out ARTS AND CRAFTS,
Help children make a craft, follow directions,
play a game with a sibling or friend, and put away toys.
In the evening, bring out
Read a story, help use the potty, and tuck them into bed.
Ask what they would like to do next.
Present more "I Can Do It" Coins.
Direct them to sing The I Can Do It Song.
Encourage them by saying, "you can do it!"
Children will have fun playing with their Coins
and putting them in their colorful bags.
Play A Time For Everything.
Explain "It's time to do our chores and have fun!"
Special Coins
Show your child The Try Harder Coin when child is
"acting out" inappropriately. Sing the "Try Harder" song!
If behavior continues without change,
bring out the Time Out Coin.
Use the Helper Coin and have child perform
a Special Helper Task. After task is done,
put the Time Out Coin away and continue
having a great Kids Coins Day!
Some Suggested Special Helper Tasks:
Help put away dishes/silverware * Clear table/Set Table
Sweep floor * Help with laundry * Put clothes in drawer
Help Mommy or Daddy * Help Sister or Brother
Show children the Winner and Good Fruits Coins.
Reward children at the end of the day, week, or month
"Gold Coins"
One Star, Two Star, Three Star, and Four Star Gold Coins
are earned using "I Can Do It" Coins.
Help children name all the things they did in the morning.
Explain they have earned their first Gold Coin, One Star!
Sing I See Gold Coins!
Continue this process throughout the day.
After all four Gold Coins are earned,
give your child Goldie Five Star
Direct children to sing Goldie Is My Friend!
Children look forward to earning "Goldie" everyday.
Gold Coins can then be traded for a chosen prize.
Children can be rewarded at the end of the day or week.
I'm Feeling Coins
Children can earn Gold Coins by showing positive feelings
as activities are completed.
I'm Playing Coins
Encourage role playing and activities
Children can put on a costume, sing, dance
or play an instrument
•ARTIST-children can draw and color
•COMPUTER WIZ-children can be directed to play computer
•BASEBALL PLAYER-your child can go outdoors to play
Maybe a child would like to be a Policeman or a Builder
Direct the child to sing The Kitty Cat Song.
When children sing the Kids Coins Show Me
and imagine all the things they would like to be
Children can earn Gold Coins by using
"I’m Playing" Coins and "I'm Feeling" Coins
Children are WINNERS, everyday!
Children can make their own Coins
and discover their own ways to play.
They can look at all the Coins, talk about them
and share them with their friends.
Remember to keep Kids Coins in a safe place.
Store them in their colorful bags.
Complete the day by encouraging children
to talk about all the things they did to earn
Gold Coins, all the feelings they had,
and all the games they played.
Talk about the fun they had singing The Kids Coins Songs.
They were an actor or an actress, a dancer, a singer,
a musician, an artist, a farmer, a chef and so much more!
Sing the Good Bye Song and get ready